determining factors to consider when buying a truck

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determining factors to consider when buying a truck

When shopping for a pick-up truck there are several factors that you must take into consideration before you sign on the line. What do you plan to use the truck for? Will you be hauling heavy loads? Will you be towing a utility or travel trailer? How many passengers will you need to transport and how big are they? Do you plan to use the truck off-road or in poor weather conditions? I created this blog to include all of the determining factors that you should consider when buying your next truck to ensure that you get one that is capable of doing everything you want it to do.

Need A Work Truck? 3 Tips To Ensure You Purchase The Best One

15 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you need a work truck it is important that you choose a truck that will work best for you. Below are three tips on what you should look for in a truck to ensure the truck you purchase will do the job you need it to do. 2- or 4-Wheel Drive The first thing you must consider is if you need a two- or four-wheel drive. This will determine much on how much you will need to tow and the type of terrain you will be driving in. Read More …

Keep Your New Subaru Cool This Summer

28 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Is there anybody who looks forward to the summer because they want to feel how warm it gets inside the car? Absolutely not. Your new Subaru should be an escape from the heat, and you can take steps now to ensure that it is. If you just visited a Subaru dealership to purchase a new car, then use these tips to keep your car as cool as possible in the summer months when things start to heat up. Read More …

3 Reasons Leasing A Vehicle Makes Sense

11 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you are in the market for a new vehicle, you may want to consider leasing your next vehicle. Leasing a vehicle can be a smart choice in a variety of different situations. #1 Looking for a Lower Monthly Payment Leasing can be a good choice if you are looking for a lower monthly payment. If you lease a brand new vehicle for five years, you are going to pay a lower monthly lease payment then if you were paying a five-year loan for the same vehicle. Read More …

3 Tips For Getting A New Honda

11 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When you're in the market for a new automobile and want to be sure you're making an intelligent purchase, you really can't go wrong with a Honda. People love Hondas because they're reliable and prevalent. Whether you'd like to look into purchase new Hondas or a pre-owned model, you'll want to first and foremost do your research. Consider the following points and use them so that you can drive off the lot in a Honda today. Read More …

3 Useful Test Driving Tips

30 August 2018
 Categories: , Blog

A test drive is a routine part of the process of buying a used car, yet many buyers don't really know what they're looking for when they take a test drive. Buyers often end up with a pretty good idea of how the sound system and AC work, but they may not know much else about the car by the time the test drive is finished. Take a look at some of the things that you can do to get more out of your test drive and come away with more knowledge about the car that you're considering. Read More …